Get back into running
Many of us are having to be creative with the ways we stay fit these days due to matters out of our hands. We are used to machines and other modifications of cardio equipment in the gym that give us a way around painful symptoms. Without these, we are forced to resort to cardio that we used to do for fun… when we didn’t actually see it as working out. For those of us who haven’t run since we were 18, it can be very painful and frustrating to give it another go. When we correct simple posture dysfunctions, many symptoms such as knee, hip, and ankle pain will dissipate and allow you to get back on the road.
Try these 3 simple exercises to reduce your pain and help you work up to a satisfying pace!
Downward Dog
Runner’s Stretch
Spread Foot Forward Bend
- Start on hands and knees with shoulders directly over hands and hips directly over knees
- Tuck your toes under so bottoms of toes touch floor
- Lift knees off floor and pike hips up into air while straightening legs and tightening thighs
- Keep elbows straight entire time
- Push with hands so hips, mid back, and low back go flat
- Keeping the thighs tight and back flat, push heels towards floor keeping feet pointed straight ahead (do not let them splay out)
- Keep knees straight and HOLD
Description: - Time shown is for EACH SIDE
- Kneel down on floor with one knee directly behind and touching opposite heel
- Front foot should be flat on floor and curl back foot's toes under
- Keeping hands on floor, stand up by straightening both legs and putting both heels flat on floor - now both feet should be in line approximately 2 feet apart (from toes of back foot to heels of front foot)
- Without putting pressure on hands into floor (use only for balance) force the back flat by tilting hips forward and trying to push stomach to floor
- KEEP thighs tight entire time and KEEP hips square by not letting the hip of the back leg rotate backwards
- HOLD for time shown, then kneel back down to finish exercise and switch sides
- Separate legs into split position keeping feet pointed straight ahead
- Bend forward at hips and place hands on block or on floor in front of you
- Keep thighs tight the entire time and keep the weight even in the feet (not rolling onto the outsides)
- Keep back flat the entire time (do not round)
- Stay for time shown
- Then move hands to one foot, Keeping hips square, and lean torso in that direction
- Repeat to other side for time shown then back to the center for the final time shown
Try these exercises before you run, for two weeks to see progress. Interested in a personalized menu designed specifically for you? Check this out for more information!