Posture Correction: The functional hang test
What I look for as a posture alignment therapist first of all is what may be unsymmetrical or off-balance. Second, I take those differences and test them to see if they are dysfunctional themselves or are the result of some other dysfunction. For example, if one has an elevated shoulder, is that shoulder unable to function or is the elevation affected by a faulty hip? Functional tests can tell us a lot about what is going on and the steps we should begin to take in the alignment process to help reduce and eliminate painful symptoms in muscles and joints.
One of my favorite tests is the functional hang test. It can tell us a lot but it mainly communicates function around the hips. Check out the picture below to see some of the compensations your body may make to get you closer to your toes. If you have one or more of these patterns, let PTX Therapy and True Muscle Solutions provide you with the tools to correct them.
Pictured center, is a good functional test surrounded by the common dysfunctions in the functional hang test.
a. Weight pushed backwards
b. Excessive flexion in the thoracic spine
c. Shift in upper body
d. Excessive knee flexion
You can change your results with a personalized corrective exercise menu today. Happy healing!