The Best Pillow for Neck Pain

With every pillow you try, you still wake up with neck pain. Maybe the pain has moved somewhere else. Maybe you find relief and then for some reason it comes back. It all comes down to one thing….

Fix your alignment, fix your neck pain

If you have issues with postural alignment, it will be hard for your body to find a position of ease. Regardless of what many professionals tell you, in my opinion, there really is no perfect or “bad” way to sleep! Your body will tell you how it wants to lay but if you can never get comfortable, then you have to ask yourself WHY. What is your body trying to tell you? Not that you are using the wrong pillow but that there is something not working as it should. Diagnoses such as those listed below are all symptoms of posture that can be corrected through personalized therapy.

  • Bulging disks

  • herniated disks

  • neck pain

  • forward head posture

  • rounded shoulders


Stop spending money on pillows and mattresses and start correcting your posture

The best pillow to use for neck pain? The one you used BEFORE you had neck pain. Visit True Muscle Solutions for online therapy or in-person therapy to help you achieve pain free sleep.

Bethany Mahaffey